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Rejected Yet Loved

Rejected Yet Loved



Madison Evans used to be a happy-go-lucky girl with amazing parents who loved her so much. She never had to think about anyone hurting her because her father, the former gamma of the Red Moon Pack was extremely protective of her. But everything has changed now, not only her father is no more as well as her mother who died in the pain of losing her mate. Now, Madison lives a life where she has to listen to the pack members and mostly the alpha who wants her to carry his heir because his mate is not able to provide him a one. Madison doesn't have any choice left due to her being an omega because no one can disobey alpha's order. But life can't be any worse than what she thought because when she is two months pregnant with alpha's pup, her destined mate shows up in her pack unintentionally. Gabriel Knight, the name itself is enough to make people die out of fear. He is the king of all the werewolves making him the strongest among everyone. He doesn't only have a handsome face but also a muscular body which makes women drool over. The word 'mercy' doesn't exist in his dictionary as he believes that a person shouldn't make any mistake in the first place and if anyone does then they only deserve to be punished. However, like every other werewolf, he also dreams of finding his destined mate. But when he finds her, he doesn't understand how his mate can be so greedy to sleep with another alpha. There is a long road ahead of Madison and Gabriel where they have to fight for their bond. But can the two will be able to get past the opticals or their bond will get crushed before it can bloom?
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Madison's POV•

"You are really amazing in bed, sweetheart." Alpha Nicholas remarks while wearing his clothes.

I am laying on the bed, clutching the bedsheet close to my chest, trying to hide my naked body from his hungry eyes. Shivering uncontrollably, I bite my lips, trying not to make any sound.

It's not the first time he forces me in bed. But I don't want Luna Naomi know these dirty things.

I don't want to break her heart as she is like a sister to me.

Life has never been easy for me, especially after the sudden loss of my parents. They were my best friends, my strength, the reason behind my happiness but now they are not with me. Still, I have never lost hope that someday everything will get better. Although I don't know how long I will be able to keep my hope from breaking into tiny pieces.

I am the lowest rank wolf of the Red Moon Pack as I am an omega. The pack is located in City Hall, San Francisco and have more than 6000 members in total. Being an omega, I am bound to be weak and not getting the proper training has made my wolf weak too.

After the death of my parents, the caretaker of the orphanage has taken care of me like any other orphan pup. Neither of my parents family members want to do anything with me because in their eyes I am a weakling and there is no need for them to look after an omega.

Mrs. Pamela has been my caretaker for 10 years as my parents died when I was only 8 years old. Although I am now 18 years old and completely legal to be my own I still need Mrs. Pamela's guidance. She is also our current pack Luna's mother who is as good as her.

Talking about the pack Luna, Naomi has always cared for me while trying to keep the bullies away by threatening them. Not only that, she never makes me feel like an outsider, unlike others who think I don't matter for this pack.

However, I can't say the same for the alpha of the pack, Nicholas Jones. He is one of the trickiest persons I have seen in my life, not that I know many people but still, no one can compare to his ability to manipulate people.

Not only that, he has removed the gamma title from the pack which is supposed to be mine after my father's death. Because he doesn't want me to have any power as only then he can be successful in making full out of the pack members including Naomi who thinks her mate love her like crazy. But in reality, he is cheating behind her back all the time.

"Madi, what are you thinking, my baby?" Mrs. Pamela asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing particular, Mrs. Pamela." I reply.

"Okay but still what are you making? Smells nice I must say." She says standing beside me.

"Umm, I am baking some cookies for the pup." I reply showing her the almost ready dough.

"Oh, that's great. They will love to have these cookies after coming back from school." She remarks and goes to start preparation for the lunch.

I let the cookies bake and ask Mrs. Pamela to take them out of the microwave when they are done. I am feeling quite tired so I think it will be better if I rest for some time. I reach my bedroom and lie down on the bed trying to feel relaxed although I know it's not going to be easy work.

Just as sleep is taking over, I feel a hand being put over on my tummy making me open my eyes to see that Alpha Nicholas is sitting beside me. I sit up hurriedly feeling my heartbeat getting fast just seeing him so close to me. He may be perfect for alpha for everyone but for me, he is only a monster who has destroyed my innocence.

"What are you doing here?" I ask scaredly.

"Can't I come here to meet the woman who is going to give birth to my future heir? I miss you, sweetheart." He retorts sporting a sweet smile but I know there is nothing sweet about him. Because he is full of poison.

"Please don't do anything, I have promised to keep quiet." I plead knowing well how nasty he can get.

"I know that you won't say anything against me or you know what I can do. But still, it seems like I can't keep my hands on hold for very long. They keep trying to mess with this delicious body of yours." He says trailing a finger down my face making me cringe.

"Madi! How are you doing and my baby?" Naomi asks walking inside the room making Alpha back away from me.

"Both of us are doing good." I reply smiling at her in the hope she won't notice the fear in my eyes.

"Awe, you are such a good little sister and aunt." She squeals before caressing my two months baby bump.

Yes, I am pregnant and also with Alpha Nicholas's baby. I know it sounds odd that Naomi knows about this baby but still getting so excited. Actually, she can't have a baby because of some complications so I am the one who is carrying a baby for them. But there is something only alpha, the pack doctor and I know. Everyone including Naomi knows that I am a surrogate mother to the baby.

But in reality, Alpha has forced me to have sex with him and order the pack doctor to lie to the pack about the surrogacy procedure. Not only that, Alpha has threatened to kill Mrs. Pamela who is like a mother to me if I utter to anyone about how I got pregnant. So, I don't have any other choice left.

"Of course, she is a great person." Alpha says smirking at Naomi's behind.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Naomi asks looking at me with a soft smile.

"No, I just need to take a small nap before the kids get home." I reply.

"Don't worry about them. I have told mom that I will help her with the kids. You just rest and take care of yourself." She replies before bending down to kiss the baby bump. Werewolf pregnancy lasts for only six months so only in two months pregnant, my bump is quite visible.

Soon, both of them leave the room and I finally get to sleep. But after a lot of turning and tossing I am not feeling good, just thinking as if something terrible is going to happen. I get up from the bed and walk towards the window from where I can see the back porch.

"Do you think we will ever going to find our mate?" Reese, my wolf asks.

"What's the use even if we find him? He will leave us in a single glance." I reply.

"Don't say that, I trust that he will understand us. Not only that he will also save us from Alpha Nicholas." A sad smile appear on my face hearing her innocent reply. She really thinks that our mate will accept despite knowing about the pregnancy. No werewolf can accept the fact that their mate is pregnant with another person's baby, it doesn't matter if it's male or female. So, it's futile to expect anything different from my supposed mate whom I haven't met yet.

"Let's just hope you will be proved correct." I tell her not wanting to make her feel bad. I have already made her life hell, so at least I can keep her hope up if that makes her happy.

I don't know if I am ever going to meet my mate soon. But one thing I know is that he won't be liking me being pregnant with another male's pup.