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Mystical Heights

Mystical Heights



Solaris Van-Nuyes is a 18 year old vampire. She has been that way for the past 155 years. She lives with her vampire family and they only hunt human's that are hand picked by their leader, Raymond Van-Nuyes. Raymond only picks the scum of the earth that more or less deserve the fate that his family bestows upon the scum of the earth once a month.The rules of the house are simple. No feeding outside of Raymond's picks. Do not wonder into Bayside Heights where the Werewolves live. If you don't come home then call to let someone at home know you wont be coming home. On Wednesday morning Solaris was missing and the last person she was with was Jensen Wright from Bayside Heights. For some reason Solaris woke up in Jensen's body and nobody seemed to believe Solaris when she told them that she wasnt Jensen and it almost started a war between the vampires and werewolves. Jensen woke up bound and gagged in Solaris' body in a wine cellar of a local warlock that has been obsessed with Solaris and he had put a spell upon Jensen and Solaris in a jealous rage. He placed the spell on them thinking they were in a relationship the night Jensen helped Solaris with her broken down car. Dark magic has been banned for over 300 years, so if anyone found out that he had done the magic spell Gerry would lose all of his powers or possibly something far worse. Gerry kidnapped Jensen thinking it was Solaris and planned on killing Jensen, but a passing car made Gerry leave in a hurry without making sure that Jensen was actually dead. The spell was to switch Jensen's body with death. Unbeknownst to the warlock known as Gerry Mueller was that the closest "death" to Jensen was in fact Solaris and he had switched the two mistakenly. After Gerry put Solaris whom now was Jensen into the trunk a truck was coming around the bend and instead of checking to make sure Jensen was actually dead Gerry slammed the trunk closed and sped off with a mismatched Jensen in the trunk. Written by: Jourdan Binger
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"Where am I?" Solaris thought to herself. "And what is that awful smell?" She thought as she sat up and went to brush her hair back only to find out her hair was shaved into a military buzz cutt. She screamed "Ahh!" She must have partied to hard last night because she couldn't remember anything other than her car breaking down and one of the mutts from Bayside Heights offered to give her a ride. She refused his request at first of course, but everything after that was hazy and a blank in her mind. When she ran to the bathroom that was attatched to the room she was in. Whose room was it? She was unsure at the present moment, but the most important thing right now was to find out if her hair was really missing or her hand was trying to decieve her.

She made it to the mirror only to find out it was just a hole in the bathroom wall where a mirror would normally be. Solaris saw Jensen on the other side and they both screamed out in shock "Ahh" they screamed in unison. Solaris fell to the floor and he did the same almost as if we were in sync with each other as they slammed to the floor. "I know what that awful smell is now." Solaris said aloud. Solaris noticed her voice was extremely deep when she said it and was sitting with her back to the bathroom sink. "Oh my blood for sucking God" Solaris said when she saw how hairy her legs were. "There has got to be something in the water, because I know I shaved my legs last night." She said to herself as she looked in horror at her extremely toned and black hair long enough to be combed that ran up both of her legs to her sponghebob square pants boxers she had on.

Something wasnt right when she saw a buldge where there shouldnt be a buldge on her and two missing buldges where she should have buldges were missing. Solaris lifted up her shirt and peered down the front of her shirt only to see more hair and no "c" cups she had last night. Solaris lifted the front of her underwear to see something that made her finally realize she was not herself, but somehow was in Jensen's body. To confirm her assumption, Solaris raised from the ground to the now confirmed bathroom mirror and saw herself in Jensen's body. "How the bloody neck hell am I in Jensen's body." She asked herself. "Does that mean Jensen is in my body?" She asked while looking for her iPhone only to remember "her" iPhone was probably with Jensen. "Knock' knock." Someone softly knocked on the door and didn't wait to enter. "Jensen sweety, did you take that sweet girl Solaris back home okay last night?" Jensen's mother Mrs. Hernandez asked softly. Solaris stood shocked not knowing how to respond and just thought the wisest thing to do in this type of situation would be for her to nod her head and say "mmhm." To affirm Jensen's mothers question. She squinted her eye and looked perplexed at her sons odd behavior, but nevertheless said "okay" and closed the door and left back out.

Solaris found Jensen's iphone and clicked the side button to turn it on. "Shit." Solaris muttered when she ran into the lock screen. It was a pattern lock so she first tried a "M" for mutt. "Incorrect pass code." popped up. 9/10 tries left was directly under the message. She tried a "D" for dog but also for dumbass. "Incorrect pass code. 8/10 tries left." She tried "L" for loser and it was right. She was in. Solaris clicked on the phone icon on the home screen which brought up a dial pad. She typed in her number and "Annoying" came up on the screen. "What the...? Annoying? Stupid flea bag has me as Annoying in his dusty ass phone." Solaris said through clenched teeth. "Hi, its Solaris. Sing your song at the tone bitches." Her voicemail answered her. When she hit redial she pushed the speaker phone button and clicked on "edit contact." And changed "Annoying" to "Im a beautiful princess you fuck." Her voicemail picked up again. Solaris thought the idiot probably wasnt as smart as her so she texted her phone saying "The password for the phone is '2502' flea bag."

Twenty seconds later Jensen's phone started playing Beyonce's song "All my single ladies" when her phone was calling and Solaris answered " Jensen! What in the fuck is going on you furry fuckwad!" Solaris younger sister replied "Um, ew no this is Chassidy not Solaris." Solaris responded and said "Chassidy, where is Jen.. I mean where is Solaris?" Chassidy responded "Last I checked douch bag, Solaris was with you." In frustration Solaris yelled a loud roar in frustration "Ahhh find her for me!" Solaris yelled angrily. "Oh yeah sure thing, I'm putting that on my 'very important thing to do list' right now and putting it in my 'very important special pocket' and making a note to get that done ASAP." Chassidy replied before there was a brief pause and Chassidy hung up and left Solaris back at square one. Well negative one now with Jensen and her beautiful body missing in action.

For the first time in 75 years as a Vampire she hadn't been attracted to food until right now. Solaris could literally hear Jensen's stomach growling and she had to go see what was making the delicious aroma she smelled. Solaris went to the closet to see what Jensen had to wear. She opened the closet and gagged in horror. There were seven clothing hangers and not one had a shirt attached to it. The clothes that smelled as if they had never been washed were in color coordinated piles on the floor. Socks in one pile. Random boxers briefs in another. Jeans over there and shirts to their left. "Oh hell no" Solaris said to herself. She looked around the room in search of some Lysol or spray deodorant. It might even take some holy water or voodoo magic to clean the stench from his clothes. She came up empty handed and she settled for a mennen speed stick deodorant that she popped the top and started ironing the outfit with the deodorant stick. She didn't care if it had white streaks from where the deodarant stuck to the lint. It still smelled like shit masked with speed stick but it was the best she could do with the cards she was dealt with at the moment.

When Solaris made it to the kitchen all of Jensen's family were stuffing their faces with food. If the food had not smelled so intoxicating then she might have lost her appetite watching these animals eat. Solaris stood transfixed in the doorway unsure of what to do. It was literally 75 years since she had anything to eat, but her over easy "o" negative blood diet. Solaris sat at the table waiting on the hounds to finish so she could muster someting up. She was skeptical still about being around a pack of werewolves with her being a vampire and all still. "Are you sick Jensen?" Nana asked Solaris. Caught off guard she forgot that Jensen's mother was asking her a question. "Oh right, yes Nana I'm sick as a dog." Solaris said unintentionally using the dog reference. "Oh heavens child you are usually the first one at the table to get some of Nana's cooking." Nana said talking in third person about herself. Everyone called Jensen's mother "Nana" as per her request. Even when Solaris came over last night when Jensen had picked her up by her broken down car last night and Jensen had gone inside and left Solaris in the car while he went to get his tools to help Solaris fix her car. Solaris watched as Nana was seen shouting and pointing toward Solaris from the front porch. At first Solaris sank down into the seat thinking Jensen's mother was angry that he had brought a vampire into a werewolves home. On the contrary Nana was yelling at Jensen for leaving Solaris in the car and made him go get her and bring her inside out of the rain. "Jensen, I'm not even supposed to be in Bayside Heights." Solaris said uneasy. Jensen replied "It will only be for a few minutes and Nana will come out here in the rain and insist if you don't."

Solaris got out of the car and ran the short distance to the front of the double wide trailer that served as a home to Jensen and his family. It was nice though and had a nostalgic feel to it. Nana was in her late fifties and had golden wire rimmed glasses and walked with a cane to support her. She greeted Solaris with kind affection and gave her a full fledged hug. Solaris akwardly put her hands around the woman giving a couple taps on nanas back and looked at Jensen for help. "Okay, Nana let her go. Solaris isn't much of a hugger." Jensen said prying Nana off Solaris. "Oh hush Jensen I'm just saying Hello to the pretty girl." Nana replied. "You can call me Nana Solaris." Nana said to break the ice. "Hi Nana." Solaris said softly. "Can I get you anything?" Nana said not knowing what to offer her but knew she was a vampire so she knew that she didn't eat but asked anyway. "No thank you I'm fine." Solaris replied awkwardly. "Oh my heavens well come in an have a seat then. Make yourself at home." Nana said ushering Solaris to the couch to sit down. "Nana I'm gonna grab my tools and talk solaris back to fix her car." Jensen said to Nana. Jensen walked over to Solaris and soflty spoke into Solaris ear "Are you gonna be okay in here for a few minutes while I get my tools?" Jensen asked. Nana replied "Go ahead and get your tools Jensen, Solaris is fine in here." Jensen shook his head still not knowing how Nana was able to overhear him whispering to Solaris. Solaris nodded to affirm she would be okay and Jensen ran back out the front door in the rain.

Solaris came back to present day inside Jensen's body from the recent daydream with Nana asking again "Hello, Jensen? Do you copy? over." Nana said snapping her fingers to get Solaris attention. "What did you say?" Solaris asked. "I asked if you were okay Jensen." Nana said with her arms folded knowing something was wrong. The rest of Jensen's family stopped eating and turned to look at Solaris because if Nana had to ask something again then you best believe she won't ask another time. "He's probably on his period." Larry Joe replied jokingly. "That's enough." Nana said sternly stopping the laughter from the rest of the family. "Nana can I talk to you in private?" Solaris asked. "Sure sweetheart, let's go outside." Nana said heading toward the front door. Solaris followed and grabbed a piece of toast and sausage link and hurriedly followed behind Nana. They walked down the path that led down to the beach. You could hear the waves crashing from where they were. It was actually pleasant and was soothing under the circumstances. When Solaris started to talk Nana put up a hand and said "Were almost to the beach Jensen, wait until we're there so you will have my undivided attention baby." Nana said putting her head on Solaris' shoulder and using her as a cane for support since she left in a hurry leaving hers back at home.

When they made it to the water they looked out at the rising sun. For a moment Solaris was so transfixed that she forgot why she was out here in the first place. Nana quickly reminded her by saying "Your not really you today are you Jensen?" Solaris wondered if she knew or was just asking rhetorically. "Nana what I'm going to tell you might sound strange but its the truth." Solaris said with a serious tone. It caught Nana's attention and Nana replied "okay what is it angel?" Solaris just let out and said "I'm Solaris not Jensen Nana." This caught Nana off guard and she looked intently in Solaris eyes studying her and trying to comprehend what she was just told."What's my real name?" Nana asked after a brief pause. "I have no idea." Solaris replied honestly. "Where were you when your brother Matthew died?" Nana asked a question that she knew if Jensen was playing a game here this question would end the theatrics. "I don't know Nana." Solaris replied. "Oh my heavens!" Nana said throwing her hands to cover her mouth in exasperation. "Where is Jensen? Is he still alive? Who did this?" Nana replied with rapid fire questions wanting to know where her son was. "Nana I don't know. I remember leaving here last night with Jensen and then its a blur after that." Solaris said honestly. "Promise Nana that you had nothing to do with this?" Nana asked in tears. "I swear I had nothing to do with this." Solaris responded

"Okay, but this is bad and I'm not sure if everyone will believe you like I did." Nana said worried. "What should we do because if I'm not home my family will be out looking for me and they know the last person I was with was Jensen." Solaris replied. "The first thing we need to do is get your family to believe you like I did., otherwise this can get really ugly for both sides." Nana said walking with a limp towards the house as fast as she could. Solaris ran after her and helped her back to the house. As they walked Nana asked "Whom do you think would be the easiest to believe this kind of story in your family? Nana asked. "Honestly none of them would believe anything a werewolf said, no offense." Solaris replied. "None taken baby." Nana said. Nana continued by asking "Okay but if I called one of them and said Solaris is in Trouble who would think of what to do rather than run out the front door searching for you?" Nana asked stepping back on the makeshift walkway that led them back to the house where they could see a heated argument underway between Jensen's family and Solaris' family. "Uh-oh" Nana and Solaris said simultaneously.