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My Mate

My Mate

Author:Celine Hiromi


Shania is a girl who wants to stay single. However, one day when she backs home, she finds that she is arranged to marry Brandon. Brandon wants a serious relationship and wants somebody to love. But he doesn't expect that his fiancee will hate him so deeply. Shania desires to refuse the marriage. But her parents just throw her to Brandon's house. Sharing a room together, she fell in love with this rich and cute boy, but she found he was a guy full of secrets. More astonishing, something strange happened to her. She even awakes her werewolf power! To her surprise, Brandon already knew she was a werewolf. And he told her that there was another power inside her, the vampire...
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I just turned seventeen a few months ago and I’m totally shocked by the events that took place in my life.

I know I’m still young, but I didn’t expect that my life would change at seventeen. I thought waiting to be eighteen, to be legal age is exciting, but what I’m feeling now, I can’t explain it.

It started when my parents decided that I would be in a fixed marriage with a person I didn’t know. We weren’t introduced when we were still a child, and everything happened so fast.

I’m an avid fan of modelling and see myself being one of the known models in the fashion industry. It’s really my dream, those flashy camera lights, the runway, to be in magazines especially in the cover page, or even in commercial ads. I’m totally waiting to be in those dresses, gowns and wear those amazing jewelries.

I like to do my hair, curl it, an up do or simply style it. I love putting on makeup, just exploring how many looks I can do with my face, depending on where I will go. But at times, I’m just here sitting in front of my vanity mirror, admiring the make up I’ve done to my face.

One day, my parents asked me if I could go to a party, but I actually rejected it first. But I changed my mind once she mentioned that a prominent model in the fashion industry, who is recognized in the country, is affiliated with the said party.


“Shania, you should dress like the usual. I mean don’t overdo, honey make it simple,” Georgia told her daughter.

“Mom, this has been my dream since I was a child. To be a fashion model someday. Please let me wear what I would like to,” Shania replied to her Mom, and she went back to her wardrobe picking some dresses.

Shania cleared her throat. She added, “Don’t you think that our exquisite genes are wasted, for not exposing myself to the modelling industry?”

Georgia raised her brows and straightened her shoulders. “Okay, fine, wear what you want. By the way, you look gorgeous as always my darling. I am very proud of you and will support you whatever means for you to become one,” she said to Shania.

She continued, "Uhmm... Shania, your dad and I will meet some of our business partners tonight okay? Take care of yourself, okay?"

“Alright Mom,” Shania replied, still busy with all the shenanigans. Her make up scattered on her desk, and her curler on the side.

Then, Georgia went to their room, the masters. She had a talk with her husband about their fixed marriage plan.

“Do we need to tell her about this?” Georgia sat on the chair, asking Bruce.

“We will tell her after my business partner agrees to the proposal,” Bruce replied while putting on his socks.

“But Bruce, what if she gets angry? And have second thoughts?” Georgia was worried.

"I know she will, that is why we need to convince our daughter to marry the only son of our business partner,” Bruce answered.

“This is the only solution that we have right now so our business will not fail,” he added.

"How are you planning to convince her?" Georgia asked her husband. She crossed her arms, and has no idea what their daughter’s reaction will be.

"Well, for now I really don't know how to start actually. Let's figure this out after our proposal to our business partner,” Bruce told her.

She breathed deeply and said, “I hope our daughter will accept this marriage.”

“Well, as if she has an option,” Bruce said, with a change of tone.

“Okay, that’s all for now. Let’s put that aside and we have to prepare for the meeting tonight,” he added.

Meanwhile, Shania is busy with herself, and it's taking her hours to prepare, so she decided to call her friends. She thought that if her parents would go out for the meeting, she would probably get bored.

While they were preparing for the meeting that night, her father Bruce charmed Georgia and teased her.

“Hey, are you teasing me?” Bruce asked his wife while smiling.

“No… I’m not. I just need to bend over. I carelessly dropped my lipstick darling,” she replied.

Georgia winked at him while she bent her body. Her curves are noticeable and she is definitely a sexy Mom!

“Oh… I see. Uh, you’re so sexy and hot in that position, don’t you think darling,” he said as he moved slowly to her back.

Then, Georgia flipped her hair while she bent over just to meet his gaze.

“Yes you’re right, my love,” she replied.

Bruce then grabbed her waist and slowly, Georgia straightened up, then he kissed her in her neck. In a matter of seconds, their faces were just an inch and their lips touched each other. He cupped her face and they started their erotic dance.


In the make-up room of Shania, she finally finished her make-up and then decided to call her friends.

Shania looked at herself in the mirror. She repeatedly went near the mirror and then far from it, and damn, she looked pretty awesome in it.

“Ah,” she exhaled in awe, “I look more beautiful in this make up, and this dress just fitted to me nicely,” she uttered to herself.

Shania went on, “Wait, I will invite some of my friends to come over since they will go out. I will call Jessy and Cherry. I’ll show my new make-up kit that I used to them.” She grinned.

She grabbed her phone and dialed her friend’s number.

“Hello Jessy? Can you come over to our house. I feel bored. Let’s chat while we eat pizza,” Shania said.

“Uh, actually Shania I have something to do, I still have to answer my homework,” Jessy replied.

"Uhm… Okay, sorry I bothered you,” Shania told her.

"Actually Cherry invited me to go with her. What do you think? You can call her,” Jessy replied.

"Yeah, I was about to call her after you. Okay then I will call her now, I will hang up okay? Thank you, Jessy.”

"Okay bye. Enjoy!” then Jessy hung up the call.

She proceeded to call Cherry and her phone rang twice before it was answered.

"Hello Cherry? I'm just wondering if you are still available now. I feel bored actually and I am just thinking if we could have a chat at my house. And by the way I want to show you something,” Shania offered.

"Yeah sure I will be on my way. Actually, I asked Jessy to come over also but she's too busy with her homework,” Cherry said.

“If that’s so, then I’ll wait for you to come, okay?”

“Yup, I’ll be there!” Cherry said in a joyous tone.

After her call with Cherry, her parents knocked on her door. They just told their daughter that it’s time for them to go and immediately left after that.

Shania reached for the door and opened it.

“Oh honey, we’ll go now. We just want to see you and inform you before we leave,” Georgia kissed her head.

Shania smelled her fragrance.

“Alright Mom! Take care! You too Dad!” Shania smiled.

“Yes, honey,” Bruce replied.

“Oh, I almost forgot. I invited Cherry to come over. Is that okay?” Shania asked.

"Of course, it is! Ask her how she was when she arrived here, okay?” Her father told her.

Then, they shut the door and went inside the car. Their driver switched the engine on, and the vehicle drove off.

After some minutes, Cherry arrived and she pressed the doorbell.

“Yes, wait,” Shania’s voice echoed inside as she opened the door.

“Oh! Hi there! Wow! You look beautiful” Cherry greeted Shania.

She grinned. “Thank you! Come inside.”

"So what's up? Did you go somewhere? You look like you’re in another place,” Cherry asked her.

"No… Actually I'm just trying my new make-up kit and I think it is satisfying to use. Well you can see it right,” Shania said, while doing some poses, also flaunting her dress.

“Yes, you look too beautiful for that,” Cherry replied.

Shania ordered a pizza and the two were engulfed with their chat. They laughed and talked about different topics.

While they were eating the pizza and still chatting, Cherry noticed that the night was fast approaching and she decided to go home.

“It’s already night and we still have classes tomorrow,” Cherry uttered and she looked at her wrist watch.

Shania glanced at the wall clock and smiled, “Yeah, I almost forgot the time.”

“Well, I should go now… Bye Shania,” Cherry said.

“Alright. Thank you for accepting my invite!” Shania replied. She waved her hand to Cherry as she left the house.

She closed the door when she couldn't see Cherry anymore. Her face looked puzzled and she checked the time again. It’s already eight o’clock in the evening. She watched the hands of the clock as she wondered why her parents weren’t home yet.

Then, she went to her room and fixed herself. She removed her makeup and wore her comfy pajama.

“Mom and Dad haven’t arrived yet. Uhm… They are a bit too busy these days,” she looked at the window, “Huh, anyway, I have classes tomorrow and I need to rest now.”


On the other hand, her parents were still in the meeting. When it was nearing its end, a young guy went to their table.

Their business partner introduced him and he’s the son. He’s tall, handsome, has fair skin and has a fit body.

Even with such features, Georgia looked into this young man and felt that he has a problem.

“Ah, Brandon… This is good timing. We are about to leave but you arrived,” Mr. Russel told his son.

“Oh, this is the son that you were talking about?” Georgia asked their business partner.

“Yes he is. My only son,” Mr. Russel nodded and added, “And by the way he is a leading model for the upcoming fashion show next month.”

“Wow, that’s good to hear. I’m pretty sure my daughter will like you,” Georgia said, astonished by her son’s early career.

“Huh? What are you saying?” Brandon asked, his brows creased.

“Uh, Brandon you are soon to marry their daughter, for us to keep a good relation with our business partner,” Mr. Russel explained to his son.

“Are you mad? What kind of show is this, Dad?!” Brandon shouted to Mr. Russel.

“Shut up!” His nose suddenly flared and he slapped Brandon.