
Let’s Read The World

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Vrynnea Shayde

Vrynnea Shayde



New home. New town. Unforseen events. Things will never be normal for Rynn. Especially after meeting Zane Night and Valister Gates. Vrynnea always knew she had a type of clairvoyance. She knew those who had raised her, weren't her biological parents, but still accepted them as such. Vrynnea's torn between two guys, both of whom are in love with her. She notices something about the two of them that doesn't seem right.
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September 12th,

Since moving to the Midwest in the States, things have not been the same. I knew that when I moved to a new town, everything else from my old life would just be a memory. I've lost my parents before I moved here. I wasn't close to them, that fact alone made that reality even more unbearable. I didn't hate my parents, I just wasn't able to spend time with them as much, because they were barely home, working twenty-four seven.

It recently happened, they were on a four-day camping trip. I was in class when the principal called me to the office, immediately making me think something was wrong. I left the classroom, making my way toward the office. Dread and a mix of other emotions slowly creeping up on me. I entered the same room as the principal and the police officer- which I noticed standing by the door- my gut fell heavy, something terrible happened, my intuition told me. I had to sit down, looking at my hands for a few minutes. My body was shaking as the feeling hit me so strongly.

They told me they found my parents' mutilated bodies where they went camping. They say it was some animal attack, somehow I felt there was more to it than that. After my parent's death, I had to move in with my aunt Amaranthe and go to a new school. I had to fly from one side of the states to the other. So, not just a new school, but a whole new area.

I am really not all that comfortable with the idea of a fresh start. But do I really have a choice? I mean, not complaining about living with my aunt. I always loved seeing her. We always had fun, but moving away from my friends. And going to a entirely new area I'm unfamiliar with.

And lately I've been having these dreams. Well, not exactly dreams, but they seem so real. Events that haven't happened yet. I can barely recall most of them. All I can recall is the emotions I have when I wake up. Most of the time I feel scared and I feel I was looking for someone. There is this one dream, that is still foggy to me, but I felt happy when I found that person. Like I knew they would keep me safe and protect me from whatever was after me.

I have had this weird sixth sense ever since I was young. Sometimes I can see things that really aren't what is portrayed as. And I have a strong feeling that my new life here is just the beginning...