
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Felicia Raice Tobve


Meet Dillon and Delilah, our crazy young couple. They are great nemesis, they've known each other for 10 years but they still hate each other. They got married because their parents are business partners and they suggested that they should be together for eternity as this will make both of their companies flourish. Both parties didn't want to say "no"as it would hurt their parents greatly, so they just agreed be bonded for life. The bonding of pure hatred. Dillon* is a 20 year old handsome boy with black curly hair, he's very well built and charming. He's what woman call the perfect gentleman, he's smart, ambitious and perfect. He's very punctual and business minded, he has won many business contracts before. He took his father's company to new heights. But not for Delilah, to her he looks like a frog and he's a jerk who uses woman for his advantage and tosses them away like some piece of toilet paper. He changes woman like clothes, today he's with another and tomorrow another... ect. Delilah*is what we call an unbalanced girl, she has the most craziest running mouth, she takes no nonsense from anyone, she has black long silk hair, when it comes to beauty she's not that beautiful but she has that model like body and her ocean blue eyes compliment her. She's very short and she hates it. She's still in College and she's 19. When she first saw Dillon she got lost in his hazel eyes and charming face but the moment he opened his mouth she immediately knew that he was a total jerk. Let me tell a you a big secret, Delilah once had a huge crush for Dillon but he once insulted her saying she's an ugly pig and not his type, oh! How she cried herself to sleep that day. Since that day she has immense hatred for Dillon. Now they're to start their crazy married life together. What will happen to them? , will they ever find love amongst themselves or will their hatred for each other increase? Will they kill each other? Trust me you don't want to miss this crazy rollercoaster between Dillon and Delilah. Written by Felicia Raice Tobve.
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I scoffed loudly when I looked at Mr froggy seating besides me scrolling down his phone. He's always with his phone, gosh! How annoying.

We were on our way to our so called 'house', the whole reception was boring because I wasn't happy but seeing the happiness in our parents faces made my heart leap in great joy.

I couldn't ask for better parents than them, but I could have asked for a better husband not this frog sitting besides me.

To be honest he's not ugly he's handsome but he's a handsome jerk.

"Why are you looking at me like that Mrs piggy?" He asked battling his eye lashes making me frown in annoyance.

Such a jerk! God I hate this guy, I groaned in annoyance.

"Why would I look at an ugly frog like you?"I said whispering and he laughed, what's so funny?.

"Both of us know that it's not true my dear ugly wife, almost all girls in California wants me, I'm hot and charming only pigs can't see that because all they're used to are ugly and dirty things, so I wouldn't blame you Mrs piggy"he mocked me smirking and I snorted.

What the...... How dare he call me a pig?

I won't spare him, I'll teach him such a great lesson when we get home.

Wait did I just say 'home'the word tastes bitter in my mouth.

I wish I can just gouge those two beautiful hazel eyes of his.

"Cat got your tounge piggy?"he teased me and I laughed.

"You should know how ridiculous you look in that suit, Mr froggy pants"I kept laughing and he frowned.

What a fool, how can he praise himself so much, he thinks the world is at his feet, crazy fool.

"How funny Delilah, do you think your meaningless words affects me, really?"he smirked and chuckled.

I hissed and looked out of the window and sighed, is this my new life now, fighting with Dillon every single minute of my life.

I'm officially Mrs Collymore now, this frog's wife, gosh! How humiliating.

"We're here now Sir and Madam"the driver said and I muttered a "thank you"the jerk already slammed the door shut.

What a crazy jerk, he can't even help his wife get out of the car? This ball gown dress was not helping matters, I was struggling to get out of the car, gosh! How can mom pick such a huge wedding dress.

I tried calling the jerk but he already entered the house, can this day get any better?!

"I'll help you mam give me your hand"the drive muttered smiling and I smiled back, such a gentleman unlike that frog.

He pulled me gently out of the car and unfortunately my dress got ripped, oops!

"Madam I'm so sorry I didn't... "I interrupted him by saying "it's fine, thank you for your help"

I walked towards the entrance of the house and my heel suddenly broke, can this day get any better? Firstly I got married to the biggest jerk in California, secondly my dress ripped and finally my heel breaks, such bad luck. I'm sure it's Dillon's fault he did this to me he has inflicted me with his bad luck.

He's bad luck non of this has ever happened to me in one day before, why now? Of course because I'm married to Dillon the big jerk. I started limping towards the entrance of the house.

I entered the house and the fool was sipping a glass of wine and the moment he saw me he laughed.

"Wow! You do look like a pig, you should've came to the wedding looking like that my ugly wife, it would have suited you better"he mocked laughing and I scoffed.

"You... "I yelled groaning

"Me what Mrs piggy dress? "He teased

"Listen Mr froggy pants I'm tired right now I don't have time for your stupidity"I said feeling sleepy turning towards the steps.

I climbed the steps and saw a room, when I opened the room I gasped it was the most beautiful room I've ever seen, the huge bed, the shiny floor everything was in perfect order, gosh! This room is beautiful no! it's marvelous.

I sat on the bed and oh! Boy it was comfortable as a mush mellow, this is heaven I took off my shoes and climbed on the bed to sleep comfortably.

God! I can't sleep in this dress and my luggage is not here yet, I forgot to take it at home. What am I gonna wear now?

Maybe I'll find something in those huge wardrobes, I grinned and rushed towards the wardrobes and opened them widely.

I saw neatly arranged suits and shirts, wait! Is this Dillon's room? Yes it must be his room I mean this is his penthouse right?

Anyways he didn't tell me which room is mine so I will just sleep here, I mean who wouldn't want to sleep on the most comfortable bed.

I quickly rushed towards the door and locked it so that the fool can stay out and I smiled, whether it's his room or not he's not coming in today. He'll sleep in the guest rooms.

I quickly took one of his shirts and rushed to the bathroom, everything is spotless clean I guess he's mister smarty pants.

I stripped myself naked and got in the bathtub and smiled, it's so cozy and relaxing.

I started humming my favorite song 'positions'by Ariana grande, grinning from ear to ear.

I finished bathing and dried myself with a clean folded towel that I saw.

I wore his shirt without any undergarments because they're in my luggage which I forgot but luckily the shirt was long enough for me since I'm short.

I got out of the bathroom preparing myself to have my beauty sleep when I heard someone banging on the door and oh! It was Dillon.

"Delilah open this damn door! "The jerk yelled loudly and I smirked, this serves him right, this is exactly what he deserves.

"I'm warning you Delilah, if you don't open this door in five minutes then I'm gonna break it open, I promise"he shouted annoyed and I yawned climbing on the bed.

"Dillon please keep it down I'm trying to sleep here! "I yelled back smirking, serves him right.

"Delilah open this door now, this is my room you can't sleep there you'll mess up my bed, you know how much I hate germs right"he asked yelling and I chuckled.

Yes he has a disorder called Mysophobia the fear of contamination and germs, how can I forget that, no wonder his room is so spotless clean.

"I promise I won't touch anything Dillon, you can leave now! I'm tired "I yelled back

"Delilah pray that I don't break this door or else you're gonna be in big trouble"he shouted and I smiled, I know that he'll never break his door, he's bluffing.

I suddenly heard the door banging hard and i flinched, is he really gonna break the door? This man is definitely unstable.

The door made a cracking sound and I flinched, he's really gonna do it...

"Dillon wait I'm opening it"I said rushing towards the door to open it.

"Do it now! "he commanded with a loud growl.

I opened the door slightly and looked at him with shock written all over my face, he was breathing heavily like someone who just ran 100 miles.

"What the f**k Delilah, what are you doing in my fr*aking room and.... Wait is that my shirt? " he asked astonished and I nodded folding my hands under my breasts making them bounce up.

"You slept on my bed with your germs and you touched my wardrobe with your dirty hands and please tell me you didn't use my bathroom"he deadpanned and I scoffed

"My hands are not dirty they're.... "I tried to defend myself but he cut me short by yelling "answer the damn question, did you or did you not go inside my bathroom? "

"Where did you expect me to take a bath? In your mouth! "I screamed at him and he gave me a puzzled look.

"Yo.. You touched my towels and... "He rushed towards his cupboard and took out a bottle and clean towels, he also took safety gloves.

He rushed towards his bathroom and I followed him when I got there what I saw amazed me, he was holding a bottle of sanitizer scrubbing his bathtub continuously and wore his safety gloves so that he can throw the towels I used in the bin.

What the h*ck!

He's crazy!

My demented husband!

Written by Felicia Raice Tobve.