
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Mercy. A


Eris is an 18-year-old girl that is not aware of her powers. She can be friendly but once she's angry her powers are uncontrollable. Once she learns about her origin, she decides it’s time she visits her hometown. What awaits her? Cadmus is a 25-year-old man who is the next heir to the Alpha linage. He wishes to know who his mate is. He has always been curious how it feels to be with a mate. He is kind and friendly and always stands up for what he feels is right. Will he find his mate? And will he be able to stand her? Follow, to read how two complete opposite worlds clash...
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I could hear my breathing that breeds like whispers in my hears. The night sky wasn't helping well with our sights. The street lights that kept flicking off wasn't helping either. My hand holding onto his tight. Our legs taking all the energy as we ran for our dear lives. I could hear my heart bombing like loud base speakers. I was of course terrified and scared. My palms were sweating his palms.

I never knew I would find myself in this situation. How did we get here? Why are we running away from the group of thugs with heavy footsteps behind us? All I could think of was, will we reach home safely tonight? Mum must be sick worried now about me. It's past curfew after all.

"Do you think their still following us?" I could sense trouble from a distance.

"Yes they are." I replied through my heavy breathing.

"Are you sure?" He quickly turns to the back for awhile before turning back forward. "It doesn't seem like they are."

"They are still following us Jake." I could feel it.

"Okay, come on! We have to keep running then." He whispers.

"We have been running and I think I deserve an explanation why we are running away from them Jake." I said as we kept running down the themed yellow street.

"Yes, you do. I am sorry you were dragged into this."

"You should because my mum will kill me right now if I get home this late." They are still close by.

"I am being framed." He said. I turned to him as we slow down from the running.

"What?" My expression had one that's confused.

"I didn't do it." He quickly turns to the side and searches around if they were close by.

"Didn't do what?"

"I didn't steal their five packs of cocaine and $100,000 dollars."

"WHAT?!" I whisper yelled.

"It was after school today and when I got out the school building to wait for you outside. I wanted to take out something from my bag when I zipped it open, a pack of cocaine and $20,000 dollars fell out of my bag. Those guys saw me when I quickly picked them up and toss it back inside the bag. So it's obvious it belongs to them"

"In your bag?"

"Yeah and my books were all gone. Only my pen and pencil were there with their illegal stuff. I think someone set me up."

"Over there!!!" We both turn to the strange voice and found out it was one of the guys chasing us.

"Oh shit! We have to keep running then!!" I yelled before grabbing hold of his wrist. But to my surprise he didn't budge. I turned to him.

"Maybe they will understand if I just explain to them."

"What?! Are you freaking crazy?! They'll kill you!" I turned back and the group of gang were running towards us. "Now run!!!"

"Okay." He replies as we begin to continue running. We quickly took a turn down the street. I quickly look behind us and they came to view as they turned just like us. It's obvious they didn't want to let us go. They must have really value those things. I turned to Jake.



"Where is the bag? With the packs of cocains and cash."

"I was so terrified the police might catch me with those stuff so I..."

"You?" I pushed. We were both breathing heavily. But that didn't stop us from running fast.

"I burnt my bag with it in the trash but I kept the money only."

"Damnit! At least you kept the money. We can give them back the money. It's obvious they'll keep chasing us and we aren't sure were we are now."

"Yeah, true. So what now?"

I stopped running and bent to my knees, trying to catch my breath but on the other side Jake didn't look so tired. The football must be really doing the most to him.

"You will have to explain to them."

"I hope it works. I saw one of them with a gun in his pocket, that's why I suggested we run."

I stood back straight. "I am sure they will understand once you explain." I hope so.

"They should right."

"Those kids finally stopped." We heard behind us. We both turn around to face them. My heart rate must have increased to the maximum. Jake took hold of my hand. Jake moves his head to my ear as I could feel and hear his warm breath close.

"No matter what happens tonight, always know that I love you." I froze as he says the word 'love' for the first time since we started dating. He always used the word 'like'. I stood there froze. Thinking about his words.

"What do you guys want from us?!" Jake asked as we slowly move back as they are taking slow threating steps towards us.

The big guy in front snickers. "I'm sure you know what we want kid."

"Look, I don't know how those things got in my backpack. I'm sorry. I have the cash, I can quickly give it to you."

"Cocaine?" The same big guy asked as he raised his eyebrow. I could see him clearly because of the street light flashing on his face.

"Uh, I didn't know what to do with them so I might have destroyed it." Jake said with shaky voice, I am so terrified myself. I wasn't stable. Jake holds onto my hand tight and I did the same.

They look at each other and laughed as they exchange words in a foreign language. He turns back to us.

"So you got the cash with you?" He asked. I also turned to Jake waiting for his reply. I really hope he has it with him.

"It's at home. I can go get it and give it to you guys." I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding. Things doesn't seem to be getting better hear. The man smirks and takes out something from the back of his pocket. It was a gun. My eyes widen as I stare at it.

"Do you think we are playing here with you kiddo?"

"No, I'm sorry. I can get it and give it back to you guys." Jake quickly said. I nodded staring at them.

"He isn't lying." I spoke out loud for the first time.

"And you expect me to believe that why?"

"Oh gosh! Please just let us go. We are innocent."

"Shut your girlfriend's mouth. She's not helping here."

"It's okay Eris. It's going to be fine." Jake says, holding onto my hand tight again.

I hold onto his too staring at his eyes as I nodded.

"Fuck this." I heard about three gunshots, startling me. I turned to the group of man and notice the gun was pointed at us. Just as I turn to Jake. He drops to the ground. I froze staring at him.

"Let's go. Hurry."

I drop to the ground staring at Jake's body. His eyes were shut closed. I slowly brought my shaking hand to his stomach. I lightly shook his body. "Jake?" I called. No, it can't be. I shook on his body again. "Jake, they are all gone now." I said my voice coming out shaky. Soon after I saw deep red liquid coming from his body. A sob left my mouth. I shook my head. This can't be. It must be a nightmare. "Jake, please wake up.". More blood kept flowing out of his body. I brought my ear to his chest, trying to hear or feel his heart beat but got nothing. It was still.

Next thing I know I let out a ear piecing scream. I screamed my lungs out. I shook my head this isn't happening. More sobs left my mouth. I kept crying my eyes out and sobbing. Not Jake. My hands went to fist on his now socked red shirt. A whole twenty minutes has passed with me crying out the pain.

But all of the sudden, my cries died down. My tears stopped flowing. My face went blank. I slowly got up as Jake's body slides of me. I stood on my feet. I took slow steps. But in a swift move, I was suddenly standing in front of the thugs that killed him.

"Who the...wait..." They all seemed shock to see me standing before them. "You're the same girl. How did you find.."

My face kept emotionless. I brought my hand forward, stretching it towards the men in front. He stares at me confused. I moved my hand to the side and the men flew to the side, flying to the direction of my hand as he his back hits the wall hard, making it slightly crack, he blacks out and slowly slides down the wall, falling lifeless to the ground.

"Oh shit." One of the remaining men yells as they all quickly take out their guns, aiming them at me. They all began to shoot. I stopped all their bullets midair before it could get to me, making all of them drop to the ground around my feet. They were making bell sounds as they drop just before me.

"What the f!ck?" They stare at the bullets on the ground before taking slow steps back. They quickly turn their backs on me and started running away. But in a swift move, I was in front of them yet again. They stare at me filled with shock. My hands began to slowly cover up with fire. Their shocked eyes moved to my fired hands. I aimed my two arms at them before striking each of them with fire straight to their chest as they all drop one by one to the floor, dead.

My face remained blank. staring at them. I slowly turned around, with speed, I reached home and climbed in through my bedroom window. I went straight to the bed and fell on it before blacking out.