
Let’s Read The World

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My Jellof Rice Experience

My Jellof Rice Experience



Food has always been the way to a man's heart. Nobody asked the way to a woman's heart. Lucy Bedan, a fresher at the University her mother has always dreamed about gets a chance to live her life to the fullest. Van Davis a final year student with a flair for art crosses path with Lucy and gets intertwined with her life and shows her taste buds a new experience.
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I knew I was dreaming, the vivid nature was too eminent to be reality. The colors looked alive but one stood out.

Red. It resonated with my heightened heartbeat.The blood like color stood fervidly like a beacon edging me on. I inched closer only to for it to be pulled away.

I strived, struggled and thrutched every other color to get to it. I was close when it's aroma hit me, and I was thrown into an enthrall of heavenly perfume. It was just at my finger tips when my alarm rang loudly.

With a groan I reached out to pull my phone from the pillow. A series of indecent words was about to rain down my lips when I swiped and saw the label of the alarm.

University, it read.

It was today, the beginning of the rest of my life. It was today that I will be thrown into a world, different from the one I was accustomed to.

With that in mind I lept out from my squeaky bed and my feet hit the ground with more force than necessary.

My ankles gave up on me and with a loud thud I fell on my back.

"Just another regular day," I murmured in pain as I carefully got up, mindful of my traitorous ankle.

I opened the door that intersected between mine and my mother's room. It would have been a surprise that she didn't scream my name with the little commotion my earlier incontinence caused, but I wasn't surprised.

She had grown into a habit of waking up, when the rest of the world had gone to rest their head and prayed till dawn to a supreme being I didn't believe in.

Not that I would ever say it to her face, for it would cause a crack in her strong heart. But I just didn't think there was a being that lived high up in the clouds that looked after me.

I believed it was my mother and her impeccable morality that kept me when my father left when I was just a baby. She strived and gave up so much to raise me. In my mind and in my heart, I believed with absolute conviction, that she was my God. If one did exist.

"Amen", I heard her utter and I closed my eyes with feign concentration and also said, "Amen".

"What was that sound I heard earlier?" She asked stifling a yawn.

"Mommy", I chided trying to play it cool.

"I was just trying to get some workout so I'll be fit".

She looked at me scornfully, but I knew that behind the surface of what her face was saying there was love. So much love that I instinctively wrapped my arms around her warm shoulders.

"Hmmmmm", she harrumphed.

"Go brush your teeth before you strangle me with your bad breath".

I unwrapped my arms and took them to my lips to breathe into them to get the smell and yes she was right I thought as I gagged.

"Stop playing around and go get ready for your big day".

"I talked to God and I have a good feeling about today", she said with a smile that seemed like she believed every word that she said.

Rolling my eyes I took a stride out of her room and headed straight to the bathroom.

I looked at my reflection and I wasn't impressed with what I saw but I didn't let it bother me much.

A round face with eyes that were too tiny and a nose that was too little plus a non model like thin lips. I've always felt like the features of my face were too small.

But there were only a handful of people that I knew and they seemed to think I was pretty decent, so l let it slide.

With quick jabs, I brushed my teeth not forgetting my mother's earlier comment.

Today was the day I went to the university, the place where your identity is changed, and shaped into who you'll be for the rest of your life. It scared me to think that four years was enough to shape the rest of my life.

I was determined not to deter from the path I was already on.

Four years from now, I would still love to ferociously care about my mother. I still wanted to grasp my hands tightly around my blanket when it rained. I still wanted to laugh loudly with my few friends, taking walks and making pointless conversations.

I didn't want the things that I cared about to look immature in my sight, because my eyes has been opened with the happenings of university.

The more I pondered on it, the more the thoughts flowed seamlessly in my mind till my body became numb.

I don't know how long I was in the bathroom, not until I heard my mother's knock followed by series of loud words.

"Tough love," I thought as I broke out of my reverie and hurriedly showered.

Stepping out to get dressed I was met with more motherly love, "You should have slept there", she reproached.

The huge grin I was sporting never left my face as I said, "Workout Mommy, but this time it was for mental fitness".

She chuckled, she couldn't help but think what of daughter she had.

Truly, I knew I was one of a kind, I lived my life for her. The entirety of my world revolved around her and it was something I was proud of.

Hurriedly, I got dressed and did a double check to make sure I had everything I needed, and somethings I was sure I didn't need, but I packed them anyway.

"Lucy", I heard my name for the first time that morning. Uh-oh.

Whenever my mother called my name, it meant a serious discussion that would drag on for a lengthy period of time.

I was oblivious to the look I had on my face when she said, "Don't give me that look, it's important that I tell you this".

The urge to appease her made me smile softly and say, "Everything you say is important, but you normally take time with these kind of discussions. And I have to be at the bus park early. Besides you talked to God and he answered you with a good feeling".

"I know and that's why I won't take much time", with that we sat on my bed and it made a squeaky sound at the impact of our weight.

Here comes the 'going to the higher institution lecture' I thought smugly.

"Lucy", she called my name like she was reciting a poem.

"Mommy", i answered to show that she had my full attention.

"At seventeen, you've grown into such a beautiful young lady and I'm so proud of you. I've always felt blessed to have you but with each day that passes by I feel lucky. You're not like girls your age and I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. You've not brought one wrinkle to my forehead, but rather you smoothen them. I've not been able to give you the life you deserve, but I've tried my best to get you a platform to get it yourself. You are the core of my prayers and I know God will be with you each step of the way".

Tears brimmed at my eyes as the emotions overwhelmed me. I always knew my mother loved me, but I never knew she thought so highly of me.

I was the lucky one, I thought. To have her not give up on me when my father did without getting to know me.

I rarely felt his absence. How could I? When I didn't experience his presence.

You can't loose what you never had comes to mind when I think of him.

My mother naturally filled all the spaces in my life that he was meant to.

It wasn't all glossy. They were things that I never experienced because we didn't have enough, and I didn't have the heart to add a burden to my mother's shoulder.

She has always been enough and will always be. She makes me almost want to believe in God. Almost.

Never one to display too much affection, she shrugged like she didn't just give me a huge hug with words.

Standing up, she said, "Get ready to pack your bags".

I knew she had said too much and needed time alone, so I nodded and watched her leave the room before I burst into tears.

Thirty minutes later, a rushed breakfast and a few more silent tears we arrived at the bus park.

The conductor charged me extra due to my luggages, but my mother was able to beat down the price.

She wanted to accompany me to school, but I didn't want her not so young bones to ache. Deep down I needed her with me, but I didn't want to stress her.

I hugged her intently and this time, she hugged me back without the obstruction of bad breathe.

She whispered a few prayers into my ears and I pretended to nod with adherence.

But in my heart I rolled my eyes and wished for a quick finish.

I knew the next few months were going to take a toll on her, but she was never one to complain.

My mom would rather feel the pain alone and hide the scars from me than let me partake in it.

We said our goodbyes and she left.

The journey began and I plugged in my headphone and closed my eyes.

I let the voice of Jp saxe drown me into a rythm of peaceful reverie.

The bus whizzed past the trees in a withering motion.

With each kilometer the bus passed, the more nerves built up above my little belly button.

I had everything planned out in mind.

Look for my hostel space, arrange my corner and find my classes venue with as little interaction as possible.

I knew things didn't always in the way people planned, but I was sure that the change would be minimum.

Few hours into the journey and a whole lot of albums exhausted in my playlist, the bus stopped.

It gave a creaking noise which I was oblivious to, due to the cranked up volume in my headphone.

Everyone in the bus jerked forward due to the impact.

"Just great", I muttered.

Everyone alighted from the bus admist the frenzy of shouts erupting from the travellers.

The driver said it was just a minor issue and the mechanic would be here any minute, but with the beads of sweat forming on his forehead I knew a minute would take a few hours.

We were by the road side surrounded by luscious green pastures, a scenery that I appreciated as an avid lover of nature and all things asthetically pleasing.

The commotion that the bus commune were making was starting to irk me, especially three guys who looked to be in their early twenties.

They laughed loudly at their terrible jokes and punched each other on the shoulder.

"Real mature aren't they?" I heard a baritone voice with a melody of female sweetness intertwined in it.

I turned around to seek out the owner of the voice to find a cute girl who looked a little over 5ft3.

She had her hair packed in a bun wearing a blue jeans and a black crop top.

Mystery girl held an impatient look laced with annoyance, I couldn't find the words to say so I just nodded and swept swept my braids away from my face.

"I'm Hannah," she stretched out her hand to take mine.

"Lucy," I mumbled.

I was hoping she would leave after the introduction and not stay for small talk.

"So where are you heading to?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

At this point I knew she wasn't leaving so I just had to suck it up and socialize. Eww.

"I just into University of Minna, soooo…..," I drawled hoping she would get the gist and I wouldn't have to keep talking for long.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing." She said with much excitement like we had known each other from home.

And then it hit me, I really hoped she wasn't a student there too.

Oh please, whatever people hoped in, I wasn't prepared to make a friend before I got through the school gate.

She seemed cool but I didn't feel we'd make the best match.

"But sadly I don't attend there, I go to College of Education at Bida with those morons." She gestured with her mouth to the noisy guys.

Thank you Earth I mentally shouted.

"You my dear are going to be eye candy for all the testosterone. That school has a boy-girl ratio of 10:1, so you my dear should get ready to revel in all that attention."

My eyes popped wide at the word attention, surely she was just exaggerating.

Sure it was a technology school which meant more male than females. But my mother picked it due to the amazing architectural major, and I was pretty sure that Hannah was exaggerating.

"It can't be that bad, I mean it's like just a few more guys than girls and besides, I won't really be noticed," I said the last words looking down and fighting the urge to bite my nails, so I bit my lips instead.

"Gurllll, have you seen you? I'm as straight as a rod or I would have asked you on a date with me." Hannah said those words without batting an eye leaving me bewildered.

She saw my scrunched up face and laughed so loud she held her knees for support.

"I'm just messing with you," she said as she hugged my shoulders.

I mentally cringed at her action but I was able to pull off a steady look.

"You're going to be just fine. Just live, learn and try not to take everything to heart. Speaking from someone who knows a few things, the truth is that nobody has it all figured out. The trick is to act like you do. Okay?"

Whoa, this girl has some serious personality issues.

One moment she was going crazy and the next she spurt out words of wisdom.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Our schools are within close proximity, and they like to throw these amazing joint parties to make up for the lack of girls in your school. You should come when you get the chance to, it'll be fun I promise."

We just met and she was making promises already, how much water did her words hold I thought.

I was pretty sure that most people couldn't say no to her invite with her alluring smile as she spoke.

But I had to think of my mother and my earlier commitment not to loose myself in the university.

Not wanting to disappoint her I gave a non-committal, "I'll try."

"Live okay."

With that the bus roared to life and I have never been so thankful for a loud disruptive noise.

"It was nice meeting you Hannah," I smiled and was about to go when she drew me into a hug.

"I really hope to see you again."

She finished and walked away leaving me flustered.