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The Lost Luna Princess

The Lost Luna Princess



The Royal Pack have ruled over wolf packs in America for as long as anyone can remember. The bloodline of the royal first Alpha King was chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. The current Alpha King, William has always been loved by his people. He rules them with the love and respect he felt he would want to receive with the help of his mate and Luna Queen Vanessa and their daughter. It comes as a shock with fatal consequences when one of his most trusted and best friend betrays him in aid of power for himself. Will this once trusted friend eradicate the royal bloodline for good or will someone intervene, ensuring that the line continues protecting the Princess until she can find her fated mate. But what will happen when she finds her mate? Will he reject her or will he help her take back her rightful place on the throne of the royal pack?
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Jason’s POV

“What have you done?”

Nick the kings gamma shouted, all eyes turning to me as he stood over the lifeless body of a pack warrior laying on the ground. Feeling the heat that his eyes burned into my own I began to shift into my wolf ready to fight my way out. As beta of the Royal pack I was stronger then Nick but still had to get past the pack warriors also present. I brought my wolf Blake forward as quick as I could knowing I would need him to escape my sealed fate. Once I had shifted Blake took control lunging straight for Nick however he rolled to the side shifting into his own wolf. Blake is a dark brown wolf and slightly bigger then Nicks sandy coloured wolf Haze. Loud snarls filled the room as both our wolves circled each other.

“Join us Nick, join us or fall with the rest.”

Without responding Haze barrelled into me sending me into the wall with a thud. I felt my wolf anger as our invitation had been refused and next thing I know Blake is back on all fours pinning Haze to the floor. The sound of feral growls and the heavy thud of paws sounded like thunder drawing closer as more pack warriors arrived, I knew I was running out of time. With a hard bite and a kick I rendered Haze unconscious and threw myself out the window.

Blake’s fall was softened by the blush pink rose bushes that Luna Vanessa the queen of the royal pack had planted just that spring with the help of her daughter Princess Angel whom only recently turned 2. Angel looked so much like her mother and I could only wonder if she would be as beautiful when she was older.

“I guess we will never know as for our plan to work the whole royal bloodline needs to be eradicated”

“I know Blake but I can’t help but feel guilty at the thought of taking the life of an innocent child”

Though I knew Luna Vanessa would be upset once she saw the flattened rose bush I knew nothing would anger her more then finding out I had betrayed her and my alpha king. See I had been approached by a group of rogues roughly six months ago asking for my help to become part of the royal pack. I had gotten them an audience with the Alpha King William, yet they were refused a place in the pack. They weren’t refused due to being rogues as Alpha William always believed everyone deserved a second chance, however he refused them because they refused to disclose what made them become rogues.

His duty as Alpha king meant he had to have the best interests of the pack when it came to their safety, so the rogues not telling him what they had done meant they could be very dangerous and were not to be trusted.

I was asked to escort the Rogues to the border of our territory which was just one more thing to piss me off, as being a Beta i felt this shouldn’t be my job but that of a pack warrior. The rogues could see I was nearing my last straw and told me that they would help me to become the Alpha King if I was to help them destroy the royal family we had now giving them superior roles within the pack.

At first I refused and threatened to kill them if they tried anything but after a few more weeks of being given jobs that should be give to other pack members I sought out the rogues and took them up on their offer, from there forming our plan.

- Alpha Kings POV

It had been three months since I had refused the rogues and all had been quiet since. But this afternoon after getting a mind link from my guards at the western border I immediately told my gamma Nick to get Vanessa and my daughter Angel to the safe room in the palace. Knowing they were safe would mean I wouldn’t be distracted while we got rid of the threat that Was making its way through my land.

I sent a mind link out to the rest of the pack telling them to get themselves and their families into the bunkers under their homes, hoping to have only my pack warriors out meaning less casualties.

I made my way to the balcony on the edge of my palace, this faced the direction in which the enemy was coming from. It didn’t take long before the putrid smell of rotten eggs hit my nose, telling me that the rogues were almost here. Just as I was about to shift my head warrior Owen mind linked me telling me that my gamma Nick had been found unconscious on the floor in one of the rooms on the second floor of the palace, in the south wing which was reserved for the beta and his family once they had one.

To say I was confused was an understatement, how had a rogue gotten into the palace undetected. Rogues weren’t the strongest of wolves as they didn’t tend to run in packs meaning they wouldn’t have access to the strength that comes from being part of one. Let alone having the ability to to conceal their scent.

“Alpha I have been informed that beta Jason is aiding the rogues”

Owens alarmed voice rang out in my mind.

“How did you find this out”

i replied needing to know exactly what was going on. This was a serious accusation to make against a ranked pack member.

“One of the warriors witnessed the beta attacking the gamma, right before leaping from a window at the end of the corridor on the betas floor and running in the direction of the rogues” Owen confirmed.

Shit why the hell was Jason helping the rogues and what were they gaining from this. I sent a mind link to all of the pack warriors and civilians alerting them not to trust beta Jason. I wanted him captured if found, I would be interrogating him when this was over.