Moonlight Shadow
The story revolves around a handsome vampire named James Francisco who comes from the clan of Fortres vampires who are said to be strong and sturdy clans, he is in the middle of a clash between Alpha packs when he meets a stranger Callister Victoria, he introduces himself as nomad vampire and became his friend, but unbeknownst to him it was this that would drag him into danger.
James Francisco met a mortal Isabella and they became lovers, it was he who taught her to stop killing mortals, since then James Francisco promised never to suck the blood of mortals again but he was manipulated by Callister where she was once again tempted to suck the blood of mortals, the time came when Isabella discovered that James did not keep his promise, she was hurt by what happened and she finally broke up with him but Callister tried to kill her which caused her to get angry. James, Enrage engulfed him and because of that he and Callister quarreled but Isabella was touched which caused his death, James damaged Callister's body before it escaped but he was left in tears while hugging Isabella's cold corpse.