
Let’s Read The World

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Status: On-going How far would you go for the people you love? How low will you get for the man you loved? Soleil, a girl who has everything anyone could ask for, fame, money, friends, but freedom and love is beyond her power. She was forced to be a perfectionist, perfect in all ways. She was born to be the face of their family, to be notable of her father's riches. She who shone as bright as the sun, once lit the darkness in him. She who is always shining to the extent that her rays burned her beloved. She took shade behind the clouds to protect her sanctuary, she sacrificed her brightness to win her beloved back. But for how long will she held onto that notion? Will the sun continue to shine? or will continuously be a prisoner of the clouds?
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I looked at my watch and it’s already 2 am. I looked up the night sky, and it was lighted up by the bright moon as it peeks from the clouds and was sparked by the twinkling stars.

The scenery was too good for the people not to notice. It was always the good that is left unrecognized.

The sea breeze embraced my being as I shivered from its presence.

Laughter and music suddenly filled my ears. I look for the loud noise not far from where I am standing and saw people casually having fun. Non-stop drinking, laughing and dancing. I smiled as they look so free.

“Stop being so desperate”

I grabbed comfort as I tighten my grip in my scarf. The coldness in those words outstand the cold wind blown by the sea.

“I never loved you. I didn’t and never will”

Warmth filled the emptiness in me. I embraced my body tightly as if it will defend me from the cold sea breeze.

“Do me a favor will you? Stay gone”

I watched as the small waves slowly hit the shore. Leaving marks as they backwash offshore, signifying they’ve been there

“I don’t want to see your face ever again, you disgust me”

I stayed by the sea shore watching the dawn being dominated by the Sun. The brightest star in the Earths’ sky. The star that inconveniences everyone but blesses the others.

Everything around me reminds me of him. Even the smallest details manage to make a crack on the wall I built. They kept on telling me to move on. I did. I tried. And I am still trying.

“Do you Nathan Sanford take Axiel Vega to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part. Do you vow to love and honor Axiel Vega for all the days of your life?”

“I do” the groom answered with all smiles but tears in his eyes.

Tears of joy. Happiness visible in their eyes, contentment can be seen in the way they look at each other.

Wedding vows. Wedding song. Bells ringing. I look around me, the church filled with cries and cheers as the bride and groom sealed their vows with a kiss.

I always dreamed of being in that stage. Walking in the aisle with our song being played in the back, with you at the end. You promised you’d let me copy your last name.

Time. I was left in the crowd as they kept on moving forward. I know I have to move on and kept moving with my life ahead.

The earth is continuously spinning, they said my time is running out, I need to move forward and come out of the past. People aren’t constant.

But they are wrong about one thing. I already moved on with my life and left my past. I already achieved my dreams. I become successful and free…

I walked to the groom as he was standing beside his bride. I smiled at them and hugged his bride. I look at Nathan and his eyes are still red from crying.

“Congrats lover boy” I smiled and hugged him tightly.

I handed him my wedding gift. It was a travel package in Maldives. The country known for its best beaches. Our dream destination.

“You’ll be next” he teasingly smiled at me

My face can be hinted with confusion but I set those thought aside. Nathan is my close friend and my comfort when things went rough for me. We met in a club in a colleague’s congratulatory party. We then become the best of friends as we became neighbor back then, colleague and each other’s advisor.

The wedding ceremony ended and everyone’s heading to the reception located in a luxury hotel by the beach. I went to my car and drove to the reception.

When I arrived at the venue, I got out of the car and the warmth of the wind welcomed my arrival.

My attention was caught not by how the venue was arrange beautifully, but how the sun kissed the ocean. It slowly disappeared after showcasing its majestic beauty.

If only endings were as beautiful as how the sun sets through the night.

I look up the sky one last time before walking inside the hotel. Many recognized me by my profession and some were from my alma mater.

“Soleil!” Leila called while waving at me

I walked to our table before sitting next to her. Leila, my best friend ever since I went to New York to work.

While I was there, Leila also introduced me to her best friend Alexa, which also became my best friend.

“Am I late?” I asked as I kissed Alexa’s cheek.

“Nope, you’re just in time for dinner” they laughed

“Oh! Before I forgot, I saw a handsome man earlier” Leila giggled.

I snorted “Stop with your addiction will you? When will you kept on playing?”

“Find someone that you’ll spend the rest of your life with” I added

Nice Soleil, you can’t even find one for yourself.

“Oh stop, you can’t even find one” she rolled her eyes on me

“More like she doesn’t want to find one” Alexa added

I pouted. I’m trying okay, but how can I when no one can make me feel the same way he made me feel. No one can fill this empty void in my heart but him.

“You have a lot of suitor, some were trying but you kept on ignoring them Soleil. You’re not getting any younger”

I looked at Leila with a hint of disbelief. I raised my brow at her, seriously? Coming from her mouth? She’s the one who’s playing.

“Seriously Leila? You should be saying that to yourself”

“You should apply you’re advice earlier to yourself” she stick her tongue out at me which made me roll my eyes again.

“Let’s hear the message of one of the bride’s best friend. Let’s give a round of applause to Engineer Keiron Montero”

I was taken aback by what I heard. My heart throbbed as it heard the name of its owner. I slowly looked at the direction of the bride and groom and saw him casually congratulating the both.

I looked at him intently as he casually walked to the middle. The way his broad shoulder screamed superiority, his body became more toned.

I looked at his face, the way he remained emotionless made him more intimidating, but that doesn’t stop the women to shriek at his handsomeness. He became taller and sexier.

“Looks like someone has found the man she’s willing to spend the rest of her life with” Alexa teased poking me in the waist.

Despite being friends with them, I refused to mention his name in front of them. They didn’t know the man in front was the man they cursed to death. They didn’t know his face nor his name. I refused to mention his name way back then because the wounds were still fresh.

“Shut up” I replied

“Good evening everyone, especially to the newly wed, congratulations to the both of you”

My heart pounded as fast as it could get, it wasn’t because of nervousness but because of excitement. Excitement in hearing its owners’ voice. I hide the tears that’s about to escape my eyes.

He really became successful as what he promised. Look at you, all mature and grown up. You really did make your name, I am so proud of what you’ve become Kei. Your girl must be lucky to have you.

She should take care and love you more than I did.

I’ve heard a lot of bad things from you that goes the same for you. How come this heart of mine can’t let go its previous owner? Am I really free or my other wing is just clipped? Did I really moved on or all I really did was just escaped?

How did we end up like this Kei? We were once each other’s best thing that ever happened.

Am I really regretting now? No, I don’t have to regret the things I did and said when it really helped us grow.

The program ended with my heart still throbbing. I went to the hotel counter to ask where my room is. All the guests here was assigned a designated room by the newly wed.

I went up the 6th floor and walked to my room. Leila and Alexa was sharing the in one room on the 5th floor. The room was spacious, warm and screamed elegance. It has an open balcony facing the beach. I walked to the balcony and leaned over the railings not minding the cold wind touching my naked shoulder through the thin straps of my dress.

I looked up the night sky. So dark yet peaceful. It epitomes negativity they say. Some are scared of its darkness, but all they have to do is to look up and you’ll see how the stars made effort to twinkle to light its darkness and how the moon continued to shine despite being covered by the clouds.

I looked to my left as the wind brought me a familiar smell. My eyes widened and my heart once again throbbed from beating fast. His hair was messy caused by the wind but that didn’t hinder in showing off those perfect face. His eyes remained emotionless as it caught my eye.

I remained firm and hard not showing evidence of being flustered. He was the one who take off his eyes first and turned his back at me and slowly walked away.

The same way he walked away from me for good.

I sighed and decided to walk to the sea shore, thinking I might come to my senses. How can I still have the courage to look at him when I was the one who broke him? Why do I feel pain thinking that he might have found the perfect girl he would want to spend the rest of his life with? That should be me.

I sat on the sand and let the coldness embrace me. I forgot to bring my sweater so I had to endure. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a phone rung not far from where I am. I look at my right 10 feet away from me.

I don’t if destiny really hated me or what. He really said to stay out of his sight but here we are, always crossing paths.

“Yes” I watched him secretly as he picked up the call

I wonder if it’s his girlfriend or maybe fiancé that’s calling. I pouted and looked away. The thought hurt me.

“I’ll be home maybe tomorrow morning don’t worry. Alright goodnight”

His voice is so warm. I looked at him once again and was embarrassed when he caught me staring at him. I looked away and stood up before grabbing my phone.

To: Leila

I’m going to the bar nearby, it’s located beside the shore. Wanna come?

I pass through him, not minding how my knees suddenly weakened from his cold stares.

From: Leila

Yep, go on ahead, we’ll catch up. I know that bar, I saw it earlier.

I continued walking ‘till I reach the loud music. I walked to the counter and ordered the strongest alcohol they had. I look at their mini stage where a band was performing.


I looked at the person who called me and saw Leila along with Alexa, both wearing a mini dress with no sweater to cover their skin from the coldness. The bar was located beside the shore, it’s an open bar by the beach where everyone is welcome. I waved at them and offered them a drink.

“Dang, why are you already tipsy” Alexa laughed

“I saw him” I said and looked down at my glass

“I saw my Keiron, my man” I added and gulped the drink

“WHAT?!” they said in unison which made me laugh

"You mean THAT Keiron we saw in reception?"

“Yes, he’s the one”

I sighed and looked at them “It would be much appreciated if you keep this conversation between us”

“I never thought that I’d ever see him again. I tried to move forward with my life but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t”

Slowly tears formed in my eyes, clouding my vision. I can feel them tapping my back, comforting me.

“You really got it bad girl” Leila sighed

“His anger is understandable Soleil, we both know that” Alexa added

I didn’t utter a word, they know me too much in such a short period of time. I looked at their mini stage and saw no one was singing. It took so long to muster up my courage. I grabbed a few drinks ‘till I can feel my head spinning.

We walked to the middle as Alexa and Leila helped me talk to the people on stage to allow me sing. I looked around and saw a crowd full of strangers which made me lessen my nervousness. It’s been a while.

“Let’s all give a hand to our guest tonight who’d like to sing for all of us!” the party host announced.

I walked through the middle and grabbed their acoustic guitar.

I smiled before talking to the microphone “Hello, this has been a habit of mine so please bear with me”

I took a deep breath and started strumming and closed my eyes finding comfort with the rhythm.

Know that I loved you so bad, I let you treat me like that

I was your willing accomplice, honey

And I watched as you fled the scene, Doe-eyed as you buried me

One heart broke, four hands bloody

I loved you. Still and always will. Those hurtful words that you’ve said back then, I understand how you felt and I allowed you to treat me like that. I regretted leaving you broken in pieces, I didn’t want to but I had to.

Those things I did, just so I could call mine

The things you did, well I hope I was your favorite crime

And now, every time a siren sounds, I wonder if you’re around

‘Cause you know that I’d do it all again

You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. And I’m hoping that when I came knocking at your door, you’d let me in. I know it sounded pathetic but I missed you.

All the things I did, just so I can call you mine

The things you did, well I hope I was your favorite crime

I opened my eyes as a tear found its way out. My head was spinning but I was certain that I saw the coldness in his brown eyes as it met mine.

I don’t know if it was the alcohol talking but I was most certain with the feelings I felt right now. My love never subsided.