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Princess In Training

Princess In Training

Author:Rivers Nicoletta


For my family, I am making a huge mistake. For the royal family, I will never be good enough. For the rest of the world, a simple girl that got lucky. And all of them are expecting me to slip, so they can judge and criticize me, say they were right about me, so it does feel nice to have someone who is alive telling me how proud they are for what I am doing, even if it is one person. My training has paid off.
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"Arthur" the king calls.

"Yes, your majesty" Arthur answers.

"Get my queen" the King orders in a weak voice. "Right away, your majesty" Arthur says as he retires. "Your majesty" Arthur calls as he bows.

The queen looks at Arthur "Is my king alright, Arthur?" her majesty asks as she places the book on the table.

"With a sad heart, I must say that the king's condition has gotten worst" Arthur answers, the queen sighs .

"What brings you here, Arthur?" her majesty asks, fearing the time has come, it is time for her beloved to departure.

"My king desires to talk to you, your majesty" Arthur answers. "Do you think he might say his last words?" her majesty asks. "Perhaps, I am not sure, your majesty" Arthur answers.

"Then let us be gone, I don't want to waist another minute of the king's life" her majesty says as she stands.

Arthur, the queen, and her company ladies head towards the king's chambers. "My love, you required my presence" her majesty says as she bows.

"My queen, please get closer, everyone else leave us" the king orders. "Yes, your majesty" every single servant chants, bows, and exits the room.

"Arthur" the king answers. "My king" Arthur answers.

"Make sure nobody disturbs us" the king orders, his voice getting weaker by the minute. "Yes, your majesty" Arthur says as he retires.

"What is it that disturbs the sleep of my king?" the queen asks. "Have you reached princess Sarah?" the king asks.

The queen sighs "Princess Sarah doesn't desire to talk to me or anyone else" her majesty answers, the king sighs.

"I am afraid she has left me no other choice" the king says.

"Choice? My love, please, you cannot be implying..." "God only is eternal, my queen, I am afraid my time is near, so please do find it in your heart to listen to me, I will give you my last word" the king says, the queen bows her head, looking at her hands, she promised him to not cry, not in his presence, that was a promise she was going to keep.

"Arthur" the king calls.

"Your majesty" Arthur answers as he bows.

"Be the witness, my loyal servant" the king orders.

Arthur bows "Whenever you are ready your majesty" Arthur says.

The queen nods "I, Queen Denise Renaldo, under the power invested in me by the God in heavens and you, my beloved husband, King Charles Renaldo, here by declare that everything said by his majesty in this room it is to be done word by word, as for it is King Charles last word, I name you, Arthur, the witness of his majesty's words" her majesty says as her heart clenches with every single word.

"I will begin to dictate my last word by stating, who will rule Elareudland as soon as I move on to the presence of the Lord, I have sent my most loyal guards to retrieve Crown Princess Sarah and Prince Nicolai from the country they have selected as their refuge, after the death of my son, Crown Prince Philip Renaldo, but their mission has been unsuccessful, for so, I have

decided to lift the burden of ruling Elareudland by herself off of Crown Princess Sarah's shoulders by naming my second son, Prince Caleb Renaldo as Crown Prince and his wife, Princess Jasmin as Crown Princess, effective immediately" the king says.

"The word of my king is the law, so it shall be done" her majesty and Arthur say at the same time.

"Once the ceremonial burial is completed, Crown Prince Caleb is to be crowned King

of Elareudland and Crown Princess Jasmine is to be crowned Queen of Elareudland, and their son, Prince Maximilian Renaldo will become the new Crown Prince, as for you, my love, you can take your place as Crown Queen" the king says.

"The word of my king is the law, so it shall be done" her majesty and Arthur say at the same time.

"When the time comes, Prince Maximilian will become King of Elareudland, but in order for that moment that to happen, Prince Maximilian must fulfill the promise I made to my old friend and the man God sent to save my life, James Mace" the king says.

"What is that promise, my love?" the queen asks.

"While I was in the great war, I was betrayed by the soldiers around me, my own soldiers were prepared to kill me, believing that would end the war, get them to see their love ones again, but one man, one of my soldiers refused, faced the others soldiers, and kept me alive, for his act I promised him not only that I would give him any piece of land he desired, that I would provide him with the highest rank in my army, I promised him that our lives will tangled forever, I promised him that my grandson, the one who was crown prince, he would marry his first granddaughter, making her crown princess, at one point, Queen of Elareudland" the king says, the queen looks at her husband.

"My king..." "Without Captain Mace, I wouldn't have returned from that war, and only God knows what would have been of this country, I own that man that I made it this far" the king says.

The queen nods as she looks at her hands "The word of my king is the law, so it shall be done" her majesty and Arthur say at the same time.

"When the time of Prince Maximilian to become king comes, the royal family is to call the Mace family to palace, and the royal family must present my royal stamp, the Mace family will present a royal scroll with the promise I made to Captain Mace written and stamped with my royal stamp, if Prince Maximilian refuses to marry Captain Mace's granddaughter, he is giving up his chance to become King of Elareudland, allowing Prince Nicolai to become the King

of Elareudland, but Prince Nicolai as well must marry Captain Mace's granddaughter, which for the record of last words, I know exists, her name is Amelia Mace, she has the same age both

Nicolai and Maximilian has, if none of them marry her, both lose the chance to become King of Elareudland, and Amelia Mace will become the Queen of Elareudland" the king says.