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The Top 3 Steamy Romance Novels of All Time to Make You Swoon in 2022

The Top 3 Steamy Romance Novels of All Time to Make You Swoon in 2022

2023-01-30 14:07:26
  • Flame of Passion

    Holly Spanks

    Explore the world of Amelia and George after their marriage. They have a baby girl and love each other madly with a hint of sexual deviancy in their not-so-perfect life. Their roller-coaster life is intensive, but will their love for each other keep their flame of passion burning?
  • My First Crush Happened To Be My Hubby!


    When I take a step to go out of the room, she started to remove her saree! Wow! She is my wife and its no wrong in seeing her. My heart and mind were fighting with each other and as I am not a very good boy, I wanted to see what is she hiding behind that saree! Yeah, you can call me pervert! But hey, she is my wife and she is the most sexy girl I have ever noticed! Rishi, a billionaire who is ready to tie knots to the love of his life. Danya, a regular normal girl of 21yrs came to the same wedding to see her groom-to-be. It's just a story of a girl who falls for a man whom she knew from far past. But the man never recognizes her. Even then he falls for her charms but fails to hold it up for her when his lost love re-enters his life. Its a happy story with some comedy romance and a lil drama.
  • In Your Embrace

    Trixie Kim

    5th Book: My Mysterious President (Arvin and Vincy Elizabeth) . Fearless. Gorgeous. Independent young lady. That spells her name. . Arrogant. Mighty. Media's Favorite. That describes him. . They always bickered when they're still young. She was 10, he was 17. . He hated her. She hated him more. . Till one day, probably Mr. Cupid was bored playing with his bow and accidentally struck his heart. . The ever cute, carefree, witty girl was always surrounded by buzzing bees and he abhorred it to the core. He did all kinds of tricks to chase her admirers away... . But he himself had always scandals he couldn't run away from it. . Till this cute girl, now a fearless reporter had to take revenge for making her teenage life a misery by doing the same thing he did to all of her suitors before. . How could he just ignore the fact that as time passed by, his secret admiration towards her grew deeper and those scandals and criticism were just a facade to hide his true feelings? . Especially when she introduced a man to everyone on her parents' wedding anniversary. . Would Arvin Hansen, the heir of Hansen Empire, just shut his eyes ignoring Vincy Elizabeth and her boyfriend's sweet passionate kiss at the gazebo or would he proclaim his ownership now? . Something he should've done a long time ago!