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Best Werewolf Romance Books That Will Have You Howling for More

Best Werewolf Romance Books That Will Have You Howling for More

2022-12-23 11:52:59
  • Simply His, Simply Bound, Simply Eternal

    eGlobal Publishing

    Meadow is an average woman having a less than average day. Things are going wrong for her in a profound way; her boss wanted her to work extra on a Saturday when she had a regular visit to her Mother’s grave, the weather is gray and a storm threatens to make her visit worse, her spirit is low and she feels helpless. Little does she know, the events of this visit will be the turning point of her life. Meadow is about to be confronted with the supernatural on a level she has never ever expected. Almost every aspect of Her life will change due to her chance meeting with the Man she was not even looking for. Bárbara A. Insfrán B. is EGlobal Creative Pubilshing signed author
    Werewolf ★ 0
  • The Unwanted Mate


    The alpha roughly brought her closer to him, his gaze hovering over the girl like the shadow of a thunderstorm. "Everything happened according to your wish, didn't it? " Keiran's voice was dangerously low. "You ruined everything! You!—a pathetic creature like you made me put my Pack in danger!" He seethed, making the omega flinch. Evelyn looked up and she was greeted with a pair of fiery red eyes staring back at her. "Are you going to stand there like a mute?" He asked, frustrated that the omega wasn't uttering a single word. "I-I'm sorry, A-Alpha..." Evelyn didn't even know what she was sorry about but she just wanted her mate to calm down. She didn't want him to be angry. He already hated her enough. ●○●○●○●○ Evelyn is an omega, the lowest rank among the werewolves. The girl had to suffer a lot since childhood. Constantly hiding and living in fear killed her spirit. With an unknown enemy chasing her day and night, she was on the brink of losing hope. That's when he found her. Keiran Winter, the Alpha of one of the powerful Packs in the world, despised the weak with a passion. So when he got to find that his mate is the weakest human he has ever seen, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies for him. He wanted nothing to do with her. But he was everything to her.
    Werewolf ★ 4.7
  • Vampire‘s Pet


    The world had gone to hell long ago, taken over by the vampire race.In order to keep some sort of peace in our land, the Vampire Lords made aconsecutive agreement. The rich and powerful humans could survive justas they had been, untouched by the vampires save for the occasional bloodcollections, or so they thought in reality, we were all under their control.Castles spread out throughout our land, one landing in each city. Eachcastle varied in the number of vampires residing there, but all of them carrieda Lord.The Lords were the ones in charge in every city, whether we liked itor not. The vampires often roam through the city, making sure that everyonewas in order and no one stepped out of line. lf you stepped out of line, you died, end of story. Even if the rich were still under their control, their lives were still betterthan the poor.The poorest lives held a much worse fate.The men were tobe put to work as slaves, whether that meant serving a specific vampire, orjust building their castles, they were slaves. The women were to be pets.Petswere the lowest rank you could have. They were forced into cages that were too small to stand in with collarsaround their necks.They spent their lives in pet shops, just waiting for thedreadful day that they'll be bought.They were treated like animals,trainedinto what their master wanted, and punished if they misbehaved. Those who were lucky enough to live through that, we're to be slaughteredfor their blood at age twenty-five in an act to make sure that our populationwould stay steady. l was born into this world.Born into this world full ofblood-sucking monsters. Except, I was one of the lucky all endedfor me when l was 12, when l was taken away from the last bit of hope andfamily that l had left.Ever since then, l've lived in a cage, just rotting away,waiting, dreading for the day that some monster would make me his. This is my life. l am a pet.
    Werewolf ★ 4.8